2022 Theme – Learning Uncovered 

The Learning at Work Week 2022 theme is 'LEARNING UNCOVERED'.  

It focuses on deepening our understanding, knowledge and engagement in lifelong and continual learning by exploring:  

  • Why it’s important to be lifelong learners and support lifelong learning 
  • How we can initiate and support lifelong learning as individuals and in our work communities 
  • The opportunities and benefits that lifelong learning offers for work and life  

Your organisation is invited to run activities that promote the benefits of lifelong learning to colleagues whatever they do, wherever they work and whatever their starting point.   

We have three Learning Uncovered strands - Uncover learning potential, Uncover hidden powers and Uncover new dimensions - which you can shape for your own context and needs.  


Lifelong learning helps us become more confident, curious, purposeful and skilled. It enriches us, bringing joy, connection and understanding of the world, enhancing wellbeing. By learning we can achieve personal aspirations and organisational goals, we can address and deal with challenges big and small. How can we build motivation and overcome our barriers to learning to make the most of what learning offers?  

Approach for Learning at Work Week 

Celebrate the value and importance of all types of learning in work and life and show how your organisation supports these. Take an inclusive approach. Work with colleagues and work communities to identify specific barriers and motivators to learning and test new ways to address these during Learning at Work Week. Use the week to delve deeper into what colleagues would like and need from learning. Run activities to help colleagues think about goals, aspirations and how they can develop learning habits and mindsets. Promote learning pathways, role development and career journeys.


All organisations have a wealth of understanding, skills, knowledge and experience that colleagues have developed at work and in life. They may span languages, creative arts, science, history, management, finance, technology and more. Sharing our ‘hidden powers’ amplifies skills and knowledge at work, and builds stronger work communities, connecting colleagues and different parts of the business. It can help people reflect on their existing strengths and talents and feel valued for these. It can promote ideas, conversations, and lead to innovation.   

Approach for Learning at Work Week 

Uncover everyone’s hidden powers and talents with activities that encourage colleagues from all parts and all levels of the organisation to connect, share and learn from each other. Invite colleagues to deliver and take part in mini-workshops, skills swaps, job shadows, internal master classes and communities of learning. Ask departments and teams to run skills sessions and masterclasses linked to their specialisms e.g. marketing team on writing tips for great copy, digital team on tips for being safe online, business development team on current industry trends and opportunities. 


We are experiencing significant changes in our life and work, driven by global challenges such as climate change, longer-term developments including automation, and the pandemic. Our lives are becoming more digital, and for some more remote, requiring new ways to work, learn and connect. There is a new sense of the importance of refreshing our skills as the world of work changes and the need to support and maintain mental, physical and financial wellbeing.  

Approach for Learning at Work Week 

Encourage colleagues to try and learn something new that will help them at work and in life. Offer activities that give colleagues opportunities to learn interesting and useful topics whilst using new tools e.g. that are digital or online. Run sessions or share information on new research or different approaches to health and wellbeing and their links to learning e.g. why good sleep is important and how to get it. Organise talks on the big challenges and share practical ways we can make a difference e.g., on the transition to Net Zero and sustainability.   
Remember... to ensure your Learning at Work Week has an impact, it’s important to link your activities to your own organisational goals and employee needs and aspirations. 

Whilst Learning Uncovered is the national theme, if a different theme works better for your organisation, check our planning pages for more themed ideas or develop your own. You can also Sign up to receive updates to your inbox - just tick Learning at Work Week!